
a change in plans (squared)

dear friends,

in the last two days:

- i was reassigned housing one day before my scheduled move. am still in the trailer park, but closer to the road. and i have an amazing tiger lily in front.

- i purchased tickets to bloc party at stone pony in asbury park. visit brooklyn vegan to read hilairous comments. it is not far from one former resident of my floor's beach house.

more after the celebrating a friend's dissertation defence at a private-member's club and the unpacking.


bringing the glow of his hair to lighten up dark america*

dear friends,

hit tonic on saturday night for the (pocket) gentleman reg, alex luchevosky, final fantasy show. (photo via)

while i was enthralled with both reg and owen pallet, my friend-in-music liked only the latter.

i think he was just confused. (repeatable) quote of the evening was: "sometimes i think it sounds like 746-HERO and other times i think it sounds like math rock, but gay". in particular he felt "give me chance" fit that description.

no shows on deck until the silver mt. zion/bloc party weekend. although i am very tempted to go to any event that offers free beujolais from 3-5 and i am living in america so i guess i should celebrate the national holiday.

back to work,

*title is actual gentleman reg quote


snap, crackle, pop culture...

dear friends,

in spite of the fact that today is "big fun day" the day started like any other. wake up. go to breakfast at one of the usual spots (panera). come to office. check blogs. check globeandmail. what is really disturbing to me is that as i scrolled through the headlines--just two had me willing to click:

1. has coburg lured elton?

2. canadianizing the o.c. effect

i am out of control.


an open letter to adam brody

dear friends,

don't care what the girls at go fug yourself say. i love him. even like this.

that's right adam brody. i am your mark darcy. i love you just as you are.




working on the list

dear friends,

i am one for ten, after the painting co-op went on a field trip to nyc to see the couch.

other highlights: h&m, kai kai's house of thai, street festival in east village, dinner at patsy's, and leaving everyone to go to my first ever show by myself-- an absolutely fab instore at soundfix with beruit. definetly reminded me of early arcade fire shows.

tonight= david bazan show, so right now=working.



a tale of consumption, with pictures

dear friends,

these days, thanks to an unexpected lump sum payment, i have a seemingly insatiable need to consume. some things are needs. like today i needed to get my hair cut. it looks like this (minus the bangs, plus some cheek fat):

over at ebay, i am bidding on or watching all of the following:

one pair of vintage chairs for my porch (address of said porch, still unknown):

one eames style chair that will either look fabulous with the mocha couch or in my bedroom

one super cute ella moss dress that might make me look like an undergrad

one west-elm bathmat (the blue one)

oh and here you will find my amazon wishlist. yes, it is all le creuset and sage publications-- don't you judge me.

this makes me want to buy records, just to display them.

this i have wanted for a whole year and still want. this i have just recently discovered. and this i want in the chocolate version with different chairs.

and i want a wine rack-- but something like this? or like this?

and shoes! i want these and these and these (oh and these )

clearly, i can't have everything i want. and now i am scowling like anna too.



well this just about sums it up

dear friends,

Jersey-Cute Is Blowout, French Tips, Clearly Implants
Girl #1: So my co-worker is kinda cute, kinda not. Like Jersey-cute. No offense.
Girl #2: Jersey cute?
Girl #1: Yeah, fake tan, big muscles, clearly injects.
Girl #2: Oh, you mean Guido cute!
Girl #1: Guido, yeah, that's the word I was looking for.

--52nd & 3rd

(via overheadinny)

i am getting my hair done on tuesday. implants maybe as a dissertation defense present.



the princeton summer list

dear friends,

i meant to blog about my trip home which was fabulous (thanks heather, shelley, hilary, sofi, tasha... no thanks the phoenix)... but that ship seems to have sailed... so instead i will tell you the list of things i came up with on the train back to princeton.

by the end of summer 2006, i want to have done all of the following (primarily, although not exclusively with fellow members of the we're all moving painting co-op)

1. trip on dinky to good friend's chinese-- an adventure for $4 return!

for you non-princetonians the dinky is the two-car train that takes you from the main train station (princeton junction) to campus/walking distance to ms.cam's home. i recently discovered the dinky is not free. just to go to princeton junction is $2 dollars. this made me wonder who just goes to princeton junction. there is nothing out there except for parking. and one sketchy chinese resto. and we're going.

2. 24 season marathon
this one spring break in highschool after i had purchased the six degrees of kevin bacon book, my posse and i rented every single kevin bacon movie (32 at the time) and watched them virtually non-stop in a room filled only with mattress (a friend was moving from one house to another). it took several days. lots of good memories. no scurvy. jessica's mom brought us citrus and carrot sticks.

3. group trip to see sofa
you have heard me talk, perhaps you have seen fabric samples, but i want you to give it a test sit at room and board in nyc. the latest dilemma-- grass or mocha?

4. random stop on train to nyc
(saturday in metuchen? friday night in rahway? sunday morning in edison?)

5. bad movie sequals night
long talked about. dirty dancing 2, grease 2, the cutting edge 2-- suggestions welcome

6. coney island
see the kitch, ride the ancient wooden roller coaster, recreate the mariah carey "fantasy" video, eat a nathan's hotdog (or veg equivalent)

7. bake off
the last one i went to was super-fun. fabulous kitchen-store prize to be awarded.

8. attend taping of something horrid (like regis and kelly) in nyc bonus points for finding someone in the audience from 10 other states. extreme bonus points for swapping recipies with a midwestern mom.

9. $10 contest
at target or in nyc. have a few hours to come up with the best stuff for $10. prize=ten dollars

10. berry picking- raspberries, blueberries or strawberries i don't care....

so far I am 0/10 but working on it.