ode to oscars past
last night i found myself couchlocked with my cold watching the oscars. granted, i would have watched regardless of whether or not i was ill, but i would have at least feigned work. anyway, i was thinking that the movies and who wins or loses doesn't really matter because no viewing of the oscars will ever be as good as 2003's dress up oscar party/ turkey curry buffet at the little yellow house.
sometimes when i tell people about the oscar-extraveganza--- the handmade red carpet, the ball gown i bought at winners for $15, the blue soup and mini gerkins-- they look at me with that familiar "you are a giant nerd" look, but i think all who were there will attest to the fact that it was super badooper fun.
anyway, the creative genius behind the event is now a teacher in london, england and due to the time difference could not watch without sacrificing her work, so i promised to blog the highlights of the speeches, which apparently are lacking in the general oscars coverage. well, ms. muffin this is all i got (it was not a year of great speeches, but these were the highlights):
* sidney lumet, who recieved a lifetime achievement award (usually a total snoozefest), thanking the movies... because he could not possibly thank all the people he worked with, all the people who inspired him, and all the people he stole from.
*the winner of best original song, who sang his acceptance, because he was not allowed to sing his song (it was performed by antonio banderas [barf] and carlos santana
* the winner of best foreign language film for "the sea inside" [also known as the saddest movie in the history of ever] who thanked the academy for giving him the job of making sure his oscar stayed in one piece for the rest of his life
* clint eastwood, winning for best director, saying when he saw sidney lumet (who is 80) he thought "hey i am just a kid"
* jamie foxx... when that man talks about his grandma i weep. best paraphrase, my grandmother and i used to talk all the time and we still talk in my dreams. i can't wait to go to sleep tonight, we have a lot to talk about...
so there you are, perhaps next year we need to find a way to revive the t-c buffet,
ps- "turtles can fly" has possibly replaced "the sea inside" as the saddest movie in the history of ever because as i so crassly put it "i knew how the euthenasia movie was going to end"