a pre-emptive strike
on behalf on the person who had to read that incoherent paper you waited until the last minute to write, i offer the following:
Some Bad Arguments for Grade Changes:
I’ve always gotten As
I have As in all my other courses
I need a higher grade for grad/law/med school admission
I need a higher grade to keep/get a scholarship
My friend (who took the course last year/who’s in the course now/who has 7 degrees) read the paper and said it was good
I did a lot of research
I had another paper/exam/presentation due the same day
I know I did badly on the final exam, so I need to do well on the essay
Note that none of these focus on the actual content of the paper and the arguments presented therein.
if any of my little fucker students come to me with one of these i'll go completely scarface on them. i'm not above taking marks away for whining, simply out of spite. i assure you that i am full of spite. it's the time of the year where i am so stressed that i am drinking malibu and diet coke while writing assignments.