
cbc's epic thriller, human cargo

dear friends,

i feel vindicated. the gemini nominees were announced today and leading the pack is cbc's "epic thriller" human cargo. i am not ashamed to say that a couple of august thursdays were spent watching this. in fact i really looked forward to the second and third installments. i mean its not as deserving of telefilm funding as something like the "mighty swans" but really what is?

for those of you unfamiliar, the residents of the icrm [avid yet selective tv viewers and readers of canadian cultural policy] have decided that the cbc should air a remake of the swan that focus on remaking deformed hockey players. just think about how messed up someone's face can get after 6 seasons in the nhl. plus, it would be great for these guys to be able to compete again. the mighty swans, coming to cbc [or more likely ctv] next winter.

unrelated: mr. nibbleybites has been spotted again. this is a declaration of war. a war of the first kind. but now i have to go back to reading about wars of the third kind for political sociology.

being nibbled to death by a mouse is so totally plausable,


Blogger Sofi said...

Senor Nibbleybites is more afeared of you than you are of him.

Borrow a humane trap from a science lab in McGill, smear some peanut butter inside of it, and your problem will be 100% solved.

Good luck!

2:42 AM  

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