
a mystery from across the pond

dear friends,

my dear friend and co-resident of the little yellow house at the corner of alfred and earl, mandy muffin (so named by her parents, so repeated by her friends) is known for many things but not her love of email. in fact, i have to keep in touch with her via the telephone. so, it was with considerable suprise that ms. harvey took time out of her busy day as a teacher in london, england to send along this little tidbit to her family and friends:

You MUST check this out.Will, my housemate, has posted this on you tube. Have a good look, you will never see anything this good again.Love, A

this is not amanda. but she must be britney or whitney. she has not replied to my calling her out as such, but i offer the following as evidence that she is somehow involved:

- she has memorized and likes to sing the girl part in meatloaf's "i would do anything for love, but i won't do that"

- was a film major in college

- does an excellent richie sambora to my bon jovi (what'd i'd give to run my fingers through your hair, to touch your lips, to draw you near.... i will love you ALWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS)

- has told me that if i want to be in her wedding party i will have to start practicing high kicks for the choreographed dance down the aisle.

- knows all the words and sings 'acapella' (of sorts) to city high's what would you do.

- i have personally witnessed her 'i'm a slave for u dance'

in other youtube so good it is bad action, you might want to check out:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6i2WRreARo&eurl a wee bit o' the nicholas cage

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMOlQX6l5dg and a whole lot of 'the h'

both of those are via oc and lest you think i am not working i offer you generals list 2/3 to assure you that i have to be.

back to the reading,



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