
mcgill winds down, i wind up...

dear friends,

this is the blogpost wherein i share what has kept me from blogging.

exhibit a: email sent to my girls on sunday

lockdown has been productive and unproductive. other than a brief outing to get
chicken mcnuggets and other provisions (toilet paper) yesterday and a recent
trip to the java u for an emergency soy chailatte i have been in complete
lockdown.i did not leave the house thursday or friday. yesterday i bathed.today
i just pretended to, and after 4 days in pj pants put on real pants to get the
latte. i have not changed back into pjs under the rationale... if you were pjs
for four days straight pants are the new pjs and will make me more productive,
or atleast i will appreciate the pjs more when i put them back on. 3 papers (2
of which are essentially the same paper), 1 stats assignment, and 1 presentation
and I am academically done at McGill. Iwould just blabber my way through,
unfortunately the paper is also what forms the basis of my summer job and I do
not want to screw it up too badly and risk my retirement life.

exhibit b: attending the shins show. verdict- awesome music, bad stage banter, even worse crowd and no zach braff

exhibit c: msn procrastinating/hilarity [see picture above, with caption something to the effect just when you were thinking who told this guy it was ok to wear those giant hoop earings out pops mom in her biker shorts]

cam1.5 papers and assorted leftovers and then i will be free... first
princeton deadline may 15 says:

hahaha where is that from?
Dave says:
it's this book full of pictures like that one with caption under them
Dave says:
it was a magazine started in Montreal then moved to NY
cam1.5 papers and assorted leftovers and then i will be free... first
princeton deadline may 15 says:
what is it called... vice?
Dave says:
but i got the book at Barnes and Nobel at the University Village
Dave says:

bear in mind i do not find the picture as hilarious as this nysic-esque conversation...

and so dear friends there is more lockdown to come with the finishing of the long over-due event history paper... but at least there will be some solidarity as former roomie par excellence lukas comes to town and he and ms. p work the grade-a-thon

as mariah would say... it's like that y'all...


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