
i've got the music in me

dear friends,

long time no blog. i was busy. princeton is hard. princeton also doesn't give a girl much to blog about. but i am a woman of leisure now. in fact, yesterday alone i purchased or made arrangements to purchase the following:

- tickets to see pela, ambulette, and rainer maria at bowery ballroom on saturday w/ best show friend hannah
recommended listening: rainer maria "broken radio"

- tickets to see baby dayliner, doveman, and the national at webster hall on sunday w/best show friend hannah
most highly recommended listening, with an exclamation point because i love it so much: baby dayliner "go on baby"
also recommended: going to princeton record exchange and randomly finding a used copy of baby dayliner's first cd for $1.99

- tickets to see a sliver mt. zion at northsix july 28th w/le-chris (i would certainly not be seeing a tralala opus band on my own steam. no girl would. and no, i am not going because i like him. i am going because that's what friends do. plus, maybe i'll meet a boy there. the odds will be in my favor. let's just hope it is not like the d-bar where the odds are good, but the goods are odd).
recommended listening: recommended only when you are writing philosophy or political theory papers and/or silently weeping because that girl with the pixie haircut doesn't seem to want to makeout with you

- tickets to see bloc party w/ secret machines at mccarren pool (wonder if the band is in the deep or shallow end?) july 29th w/le-chris (equal desire to see this show, although i did join the fanclub)
recommended listening: bloc party's silent alarm is recommended purchasing. secret machines "sad and lonely"

there is a big gap in those dates... but i have plans for the interim as well. hannah will be in chicago all summer providing legal advice to the poor and formerly incarcerated so i will have to make a weekend in chicago if want to see a show with her. i think i can probably get le-chris to at least two more shows, but he is only the deputy of team fun (i am the captain). i predict having to revoke his paper mache badge when the "i don't want to study for demography generals" wears off and the "i love writing about the the demography of parental incarceration" kicks in. therefore, if any of you loyal readers (all 4 of you) would like to come to the greater new jersey area and join me for any of the following kindly let me know:

- sonic youth on june 13th
- david bazan (aka pedro-the-lion) on june 20th in brooklyn or june 21st in hoboken
- secret big fun show that i cannot name on the internet lest le-chris finds this. ( i just told him to mark his calender for big fun with cam). to the rest of you, this canadian act does a wicked-awesome-super-rad cover of mariah carey's fantasy. he's in town on june 24th. (this is also the day of the coney island mermaid parade which is what le-chris guessed we were doing.... i have added that to the agenda for the morning)
- the futureheads on june 30th.

will keep you posted on july and august possibilities (indeed, i just might blog again).

and now back to work...
ms. cam

ps- i really do work. i have now put my entire physical library of books and articles into endnote and into sub-libraries based on areas i will (or may) write my comprehensive exams in, papers, and courses. i am also seriously devoted to my outlook calender and tasks lisk. and it all synchs so nicely with the crackberry.

pps- the first ps just makes it sound like i have been making dick. but for reals. i am reading articles today. and getting my paper and discussant comments ready for the ol' meetings of the canadian sociology and anthropology association. i swear.


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