

dear friends,

i stole this annual tradition from my friend hilary who stole it from some one else... anyway these were my top ten moments of 2003, expect my top ten of 2004 soon...

happy christmas,

Top Ten Moments of 2003

1. The Wedding Convention with SELF (when she was just SEL), Laura and Hez… our rental car Bea minus wipers and stopping every 10 minutes on the 401 to throw windshield washer fluid at her, and perhaps most importantly learning that the words to “Bop Around” are actually “Barbara Ann”
2. QIAA Dinners, especially Cuba documentarian Estella Brava—pretending to know about wine, world affairs, and ruling with an iron etiquette fist.
3. Making church friends with the over 65 set especially Pete, Clare and Wilma at St. Mary’s and Norman at St. Patrick’s
4. Choosing McGill and turning down the LSE, becoming a sociologist and learning about social movements, Jews in North America, and research design and practice. At McGill, I have consistently enjoyed my Wednesday office hours, complete with entertainment from Mr. Roboto and David which more than balance out the crazy Janine visits and the being stalked by Lorne.
5. Hilary’s car dying in the middle of Kingston’s busiest intersection, unhelpful advice from cabbies and those at the other end of the cell phone, being “rescued” by the good Samaritans John and Krista and learning a lesson in karma (John had just won a roll up the rim bike). Promising them sleepless goat dessert and subsequently seeing them at convocation.
6. Graduation NOT Convocation. Seeing as how my position on my family remains as follows “it is broken. Lots of pretty pieces that I cherish, but when brought together it is ugly and jagged and I hate it”, the presence of my divorced parents (which includes the mother I speak to once a year), my two sisters (one of whom I do not get along with, one of whom does not get along with my mother and one of whom does not get along with my father), and two of my mother’s sisters who do not get along with my mother made for a stressed out CAM. But, she was very happy to bring four years to a close in the company of her favourite university friends and to find solace at church the morning of.
7. The Bacholerette Weekend. Learning that Mapquest is not as familiar with Eastern Ontario/ the Upper Ottawa Valley as one might assume. 6 hours to Barry’s Bay on the way there, 2 hours home… lots of good times at the cottage in between.
8. Living out my best friend’s wedding minus the gay best friend and the sabotaging the wedding part. Enjoying the pace of Chattanooga life and meeting Chris’ Megan. Encouraging a movie moment for Susan and Brian “go to the airport! Go to the airport!”
9. My Joel Plaskett Birthday in my favorite place with some of my favourite people (especially Sean and Hilary who made the trek from the T dot), seeing Joel Plaskett the night before, sort of… with Taben and bro and Carla…
10. Carlos and Pepes. Mango daquaris the size of my face, many a Friday afternoon spent intoxicated with the delightful Carla and David (even if the latter turns into a pumpkin at midnight)


Blogger Sofi said...

This is hilarious, because Hilary stole it from me.

I stole it from my cousin, Linda.

Ah, the circle of life!

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tis true! sofi was indeed the inspiration for my list. coincidentally, i was thinking about my 2004 list last night. it ended up preventing me from sleeping, as i realized i could just as easily do a "worst of" list this particular year.

man, i'm depressing. carry on, please.


3:07 AM  

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